
Is this Petaluma Parrot Your Perfect Life Partner?

When you spy a parrot on someone's shoulder, you might expect an eyepatch and a peg leg to go with it. Petaluman Bill Gurney is not a pirate anymore than the bird in question is a maritime fashion accessory. Rather, Sidney, a white peach-colored Moluccan cockatoo, is the main attraction [...]

By | March 4th, 2016|0 Comments

What Everyone Ought to Know About Surveillance Cameras in this Petaluma Park

Here's a way to tempt the law of unintended consequences – the Petaluma Service Alliance, a consortium of area service groups, is hosting a "Neighborhood Town Hall Meeting to Discuss the Safety and Security of Walnut Park". A discussion item slated on for the meeting's agenda is the notion of installing [...]

By | March 1st, 2016|0 Comments

The odd reason this Petaluma coffee cart isn’t open yet

It's the mystery of the ages, or at least the one on the minds of Petaluma residents who need a little more zip in the zip code and prefer their mail with a macchiato. Why hasn't the coffee cart at the Petaluma Mail Depot opened for business? After months of building at [...]

By | February 25th, 2016|0 Comments

3 Petaluma Factoids That Will Raise Your Eyebrows – And Maybe Your Rent

The Sonoma County Economic Development Board has released its local economic profile projections for each city in the county – including Petaluma – and the results suggest Petaluma is getting smarter, richer and older than we ever knew. Data points include income, population, age dispersion, residential real estate trends, consumer spending [...]

By | February 23rd, 2016|0 Comments

Why this Map’s Depiction of Petaluma Should Worry You

Does a Map Based on Urban Dictionary Entries Point to our Future? Petaluma is on the map. At least it's on a map created by comic cartographer Sasha Trubetskoy who turned to crowd-sourced online slang repository UrbanDictionary.com when crafting his map of "The Bay Area According to urban Dictionary." Instead of landmarks, [...]

By | February 19th, 2016|0 Comments

Is This Man Too Sexy for Petaluma?

Eli Lucas brings sexy to Petaluma on a pair of roller skates and performance artist's attitude.

By | February 16th, 2016|0 Comments